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Carson Valley Health Prepares for Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) Response

  • Category: CVH News
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GARDNERVILLE, Nev. (October 18, 2014) – Carson Valley Health, in cooperation with State and local health officials, has issued Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) Guidelines for identification and response to infected patients. The guidelines cover a step by step process beginning with the screening of all patients presenting at any of CVH’s offices and locations. The guidelines also include room designations, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Patient Care Equipment, and Patient Care standards.

Cara Cruz, Infection Control Officer at CVH issued an internal statement. “As a facility we must be prepared for caring for our community members and staff should this virus enter our community. We have held several preparedness meetings with our key stakeholders to plan our response, in order to uphold our duty to provide excellent patient care and protect our Healthcare workers.  CVH is following all CDC guidelines in regards to the care of a suspected Ebola infected patient and safe practices for our staff.” Cruz reiterated ongoing education amongst all medical staff, and continuous evaluation of CVH’s readiness and competence.  “As more is learned about this virus, these guidelines may change to reflect the current Best Practice recommendations.” 

For more information regarding the virus, individuals are encouraged to visit the Center for Disease Control’s Ebola information center at

Carson Valley Health is a non-profit medical facility that provides acute and ICU care, surgery, 24-hour emergency services, and outpatient services. A partnership of Barton Health and Renown Health, Carson Valley Health’s mission is to promote the health and wellness of the Carson Valley.